• Natural Gas News

    Deutsche ReGas welcomes second FSRU at Mukran LNG terminal


Before the arrival of Neptune, the terminal featured the Energos Power. [Image: Deutsche ReGas ]

by: Shardul Sharma

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Europe, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Corporate, News By Country, Germany

Deutsche ReGas welcomes second FSRU at Mukran LNG terminal

Private German LNG terminal operator Deutsche ReGas announced on July 3 the arrival of the second floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU), Neptune, at the LNG import terminal in the industrial port of Mukran.

Before the arrival of Neptune, the terminal featured the FSRU Energos Power, owned by US-based Energos Infrastructure. The first LNG vessel at the Mukran terminal arrived earlier this year, and in April, the terminal received its operating permit. Over the next few days, Energos Power, will be stationed alongside the Neptune, completing the terminal, called Deutsche Ostsee.

The terminal will offer a regasification capacity of up to 13.5bn m3/year and will be able to meet up to 15% of Germany's total natural gas demand, Deutsche ReGas stated. With its connection to the EUGAL/OPAL and NEL gas pipeline networks, the terminal has the largest free transmission capacity of all German LNG terminals and plays a role in supplying eastern Germany, industrial sites in southwestern Germany, and neighbouring Eastern European countries.

Germany has intensified its efforts to increase LNG regasification capacity on its shores since Russia's invasion of Ukraine prompted European countries to seek to reduce their heavy reliance on Russian gas.