• Natural Gas News

    In-Cyprus: Has the Gas Window Opened?



After the window for Cyprus's gas looked closed earlier this year, it's time to ask if it's open again, Fiona Mullen writes for In-Cyprus

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

In-Cyprus: Has the Gas Window Opened?

Back in February this year I asked if the gas window had closed for Cyprus, following a number of developments that had clouded the outlook for offshore natural gas production.

The energy minister, George Lakkotrypis had been forced to announce in late December that the first well drilled by the ENI-Kogas consortium in the Block 9 Onasagoras field was dry. Then he announced that France’s Total would not be drilling in Blocks 10 and 11.

There were even rumours that Noble Energy was going to give up on the Aphrodite field in Block 12.

Recent developments suggest that it is time to ask if the gas window has in fact inched open again.

Read the full article HERE