• Natural Gas News

    Comet’s Oz Mira 6/2 Pilot Well to Breach 1.2mn ft3/d


Comet Ridge’s Mahalo Mira 6/2 pilot well in Central Queensland, Australia, is on the verge of breaching a gas flow rate of 1.2mn ft3/d after working through a production constraint, the company said June 8.

by: Nathan Richardson

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Asia/Oceania, Corporate, Exploration & Production, Infrastructure, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), , News By Country, Australia

Comet’s Oz Mira 6/2 Pilot Well to Breach 1.2mn ft3/d

Comet Ridge’s Mahalo Mira 6/2 pilot well in Central Queensland, Australia, is on the verge of breaching a gas flow rate of 1.2mn ft3/d after working through a production constraint, the company said June 8.

“Comet Ridge extrapolated the reservoir gas flow performance limit in the Mira 6/2 well back in April, to be in the range of 1.2 to 1.3mn ft3/d. These results now validate our production model and we are more confident than ever that there is scope for improved performance of the pilot given the response of the wells to the modifications to the surface facilities,” Comet’s managing director Tor McCaul said.

“With further improvements planned for the flowline restrictions we are hopeful that the gas flow rate will reach and perhaps exceed our estimate of 1.3mn ft3/d,” he added.

Comet reported April 27 that the well was flowing at 1mn ft3/d, but the performance beyond that was being impeded by a small diameter of the pilot’s surface flowline and flare system which was constructed in 2013. It made some adjustments to the flare facility and cleaned the flame arrestor which had an immediate result of an approximate 20% increase in the gas rate.

“Further work on reducing surface system operating pressure is currently taking place which if successful, should lead to even further increase gas rate,” the company said.

The Mahalo project is located about 240 kilometres west of the Port of Gladstone, which is home to the east coast’s LNG export facilities. It’s also close to infrastructure with pipeline connections to both the Gladstone domestic and LNG market.

Equity participants in Mahalo Coal Seam Gas are Comet Ridge (40%), Australia Pacific LNG (30%) and Santos (30%).