• Natural Gas News

    The Parliament: EU's Energy Union 'Not Fit for Purpose'



UKIP MEP argues that the European Commission is hijacking conflicts to form an energy union that will control member states' energy supplies

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes

The Parliament: EU's Energy Union 'Not Fit for Purpose'

The energy union is an attempt by the European commission to use tensions between Russia and the EU - caused by the EU's attempt to extend its empire to Russia's border - as an excuse to take control of the energy supplies and regulatory powers of member states.

The commission wants EU national governments to pool their energy resources, and to be placed in charge of that pool with controls over regulation and investment decisions as well as energy deals with countries outside the 28 member states

As the paper setting out plans for the energy union put it, “Today, the European Union has energy rules set at the European level, but in practice it has 28 national regulatory frameworks. This cannot continue.”

Of course it can continue, and the democratically-elected member state governments have shown every sign of wanting this system to continue.

Read the full article HERE.