Carbon Energy Close to Developing its First Gas Project in Queensland
Carbon Energy on Monday said it is one step closer to obtaining approval to develop its first commercial scale gas project in Queensland, Australia.
The company has received confirmation from the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (DEHP) that the Government appointed external consultant has completed its review of the company’s Decommissioning Report and Rehabilitation Plan.
“The company understands that a decision by Government is now only subject to consideration of the final reports from DEHP and the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) which are expected to be submitted in the New Year,” Carbon said.
CEO and Managing Director Morné Engelbrecht said, “As soon as the Government has fully considered the Departmental recommendations, we are poised to move ahead with commercialising the Blue Gum Gas Project.”
While the Queensland Government considers the Departmental recommendations, the Company will increase its attention on securing further licensing opportunities globally, armed with the data supporting the outcomes from the Bloodwood Creek trial.
“As we await a final decision from Government, we will be directing our resources toward both securing off-take and development partners for our Blue Gum Gas Project and advancing our international business development program. The environmental results that we have achieved from the Bloodwood Creek trial provide us with a powerful demonstration of the advanced and leading nature of our gas production technique,” Engelbrecht said.