• Natural Gas News

    Business Green: David Cameron: No 'dash' for fracking without safeguards



Prime Minister quoted as telling Lancashire voters fracking will only go ahead under Conservatives with 'stringent environmental safeguards'


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Press Notes

Business Green: David Cameron: No 'dash' for fracking without safeguards

David Cameron has reportedly ruled out a "dash" for fracking on the eve of the general election.

Discussing the future of the gas industry during a visit to Lancaster yesterday, the Prime Minister said he wanted to reassure communities on the Fylde coast there will be "no dash into technology without the safeguards in place".

The county is thought to house huge reserves of the gas - industry estimates predict Lancashire alone could produce up to £6bn of gas annually for the next three decades. However, the prospect of fracking sites centred on the Fylde area has raised tensions locally, with even the local Conservative candidate talking of opposing development.

Both Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne have said the UK will go "all out" for shale gas, offering tax breaks to energy companies investing in exploration wells and payments to communities that support drilling operations.

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