• Natural Gas News

    Novinite.com: Bulgartransgaz to Open Bids for Interconnector Turkey –Bulgaria on May 8



Bulgarian national TSO Bulgartransgaz has said that the bidding process for a feasibility study for Interconnector Turkey-Bulgaria will open May 8

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Novinite.com: Bulgartransgaz to Open Bids for Interconnector Turkey –Bulgaria on May 8

Bids for the public procurement procedure for the feasibility study for the Interconnector Turkey –Bulgaria (ITB) will be opened on May 8, according to the Public Procurement Agency.

Bulgaria’s state-owned gas transmission operator Bulgartransgaz, which is the Bulgarian contractor (the Turkish one is state-owned energy company Botas) in the project, received EU funding of EUR 190 000 for the feasibility study in early April, according to Capital Daily.

Read the full article HERE.