• Natural Gas News

    The Telegraph: Balcombe's eco-warriors have the limelight



Peter Styles, Professor of Applied and Environmental Geophysics at Keele University says that Cuadrilla failed to carried out the proper tests in Lancashire, “If they cause any kind of disruption, environmentally or seismically, then that will be their swan-song, won’t it? They know this.”


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Press Notes

The Telegraph: Balcombe's eco-warriors have the limelight

Balcombe's eco-warriors have the limelight, but a strong local contingent wants to be heard

Charles Metcalfe is no eco-warrior. He’s a wine critic who used to be on the telly. On the way home to his sleepy village in Sussex one day, he got a nasty shock.

“I was reading the Telegraph on the train and I noticed a little paragraph saying, 'Cuadrilla to Frack in Sussex’. I knew this was the company that caused the earthquakes in Lancashire, so I thought, 'How interesting’. Then I looked down the story and saw they were coming to my village...”

He smiles and steps out of the way as a battalion of police officers comes past. We are on the road just south of Balcombe in West Sussex, where the oil and gas company Cuadrilla is trying to drill a well, and has sparked a high-profile protest against fracking.