• Natural Gas News

    This is Bath: Hear more about plans for 24-hour-a-day gas drilling scheme near Keynsham



A public meeting in Keynsham is expected to result in a big turnout as two opposition groups have organized an information session regarding UK Methane Ltd's plans to drill for CBM at Durley Hill.


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Press Notes

This is Bath: Hear more about plans for 24-hour-a-day gas drilling scheme near Keynsham

A big turnout is expected at a public meeting in Keynsham tomorrow at which controversial plans to drill for coalbed methane gas at Durley Hill are discussed.

Transition Keynsham and Frack-Free Somerset have organised the meeting which is due to take place at the Royal British Legion in Charlton Road, Keynsham, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.

The meeting is also to inform residents about alternative renewable energy options for Keynsham, including hydro-electric power and solar panels on public buildings.

UK Methane Ltd, based in Bridgend in south Wales, has applied to Bath & North East Somerset Council for 24-hour a day test drilling at Durley Hill, 300 metres from the Hicks Gate roundabout. The plans were submitted at the end of September and there have been lots of objections.  MORE